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Join our fight to save African wildlife.

Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery.

- Lois Crisler -

In the end, we will conserve only what we love;
we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught.

- Baba Dioum -

Cheetah with cubs in the wild

Cheetah Outreach Vision

To ensure the survival of the free-ranging, Southern African Cheetah. Cheetah Outreach is an educational and conservation based facility that partners with cheetah Ambassadors to offer a unique personal experience in order to raise awareness and to ensure financial sustainability of the Cheetah Outreach conservation program.

There are about 1326 cheetahs in South Africa of which approximately 500 free ranging cheetah live on unprotected farm lands in the northern part of the country. The facility promotes the work of the Cheetah Outreach Trust to conserve this viable population and engage both local and international visitors to connect and join in saving these elegant African predators.

We have partnered captive-born Ambassadors for over 25 years, thereby raising their profile amongst the public and successfully supporting the efforts of the Trust founded by Cheetah Outreach. Our facility also hosts a well regarded educational program for learners in the Cape Town area.

The Cheetah Outreach Trust working with the communities in free ranging cheetah territory have developed initiatives that reduce the human-wildlife conflict.

Cover for Cheetah Outreach
Cheetah Outreach

Cheetah Outreach

Our vision: to promote the survival of the free-ranging Southern African cheetah through Environmental Education and in-situ conservation.

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1 day ago
Cheetah Outreach

Bella - me trying to sneak for a nice shot from far. - "I can see you"
Masters of Awareness in Their Environment - Black-backed jackals are highly intelligent and adaptable predators, known for their keen awareness of their surroundings. Jackals are always alert, frequently scanning their surroundings for potential threats or opportunities.
#cheetahoutreach #awareness #conservation #education #predators #survival #ambassadors #jackal #blackbackedjackal
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Bella - me trying to sneak for a nice shot from far. - I can see you
Masters of Awareness in Their Environment - Black-backed jackals are highly intelligent and adaptable predators, known for their keen awareness of their surroundings. Jackals are always alert, frequently scanning their surroundings for potential threats or opportunities.
 #cheetahoutreach #awareness #conservation #education #predators #survival #ambassadors #jackal #blackbackedjackal
3 days ago
Cheetah Outreach

Photos from Cheetah Outreach Trust's post ... See MoreSee Less

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